This is a Django-Appointment demo website. Every 2 hours, all data is removed from the server. Please be respectful of the other visitors.

Quick Start 🚀

Install Django-Appointment in your project using pip:

pip install django-appointment


pip install django_q2

Django Q is not necessary for the package to work, but it is used to sends email reminder. If you do not install Django Q, you will not be able to send email reminders when clients check the box to receive them.


Add 'appointment' and 'django_q' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like so:

    # other apps

Then, incorporate the appointment URLconf in your project's

from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    # other urls
    path('appointment/', include('appointment.urls')),

Add this variable Q_CLUSTER in your Django's (needed only if you want Django Q).

   'name': 'DjangORM',
   'workers': 4,
   'timeout': 90,
   'retry': 120,
   'queue_limit': 50,
   'bulk': 10,
   'orm': 'default',

Next steps to activate your setup:

  1. Create the migrations and run them by doing python makemigrations appointment and right after, run python migrate to create the appointment models.
  2. Start the Django Q cluster with python qcluster
  3. Launch the development server and navigate to to create appointments, manage configurations, and handle appointment conflicts (the admin app must be enabled).
  4. You must create at least one service before using the application on the admin page. If your service is free, input 0 as the price. If your service is paid, input the price in the price field. You may also provide a description for your service.
  5. To request an appointment, navigate to<service_id>/ where service_id is the ID of the service you want to request, most likely to be 1 if you have only one service.